Month of PHP Security 2010 – CALL FOR PAPERS

I previously blogged a sneak preview of the Month of PHP Security which is a new initiative to improve security in the PHP ecosystem. Today the call for papers was released. Everyone from the PHP and security community is invited to produce quality articles/advisories about PHP security topics/bugs and submit them to the CFP committee.

The event is generously sponsored by SyscanSektionEins, and CodeScan. And the best submissions can win a number of attractive prizes. The first prize consists of 1000 EUR, a free Syscan ticket, and a free CodeScan PHP License. For a full list of the submissions accepted and prizes available check out the website.

In case you are not a PHP security expert you can still help to improve the event. Spread the word about the Month of PHP Security in your blog, link to it and announce your blog posting at and win one of ten 25 EUR amazon coupons.